
Tag Archive for: Festival

Ennis Book Club Festival

EBCF is delighted to welcome Chicago-based writer Rebecca Makkai to Ennis for an in-depth conversation with Belinda McKeon, also an acclaimed novelist and non-fiction writer. Tickets can be booked online or directly with glór box office on 065 6843103. glór box office is open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 3pm. Booking fees apply.

on February 5 2024· Tagged: , , ,

Palm Springs Readers’ Festival 2024

The Palm Springs Readers’ Festival

February 2 – 4 @ Hotel Zoso 

Presented by The Best Bookstore in Palm Springs



on January 25 2024· Tagged: , , , , ,

Literary Women of Long Beach Festival of Authors


The Festival of Women Authors had its beginning in Long Beach, California in 1982. It was created when two women, Harriet Williams and Virginia Laddey were appalled to discover the scarcity of women authors represented in the reading lists of local high schools. They decided to alter the imbalance by creating a festival showcasing women authors.

With a committee of women from fifteen other community groups, they designed a festival that brought the best of contemporary women writers to an eager audience.


  • To make accessible to a wide-ranging audience of avid readers the work of outstanding contemporary women authors.
  • To encourage new writers of talent and promise.
  • To celebrate the value of literature in the lives of future readers.

on December 1 2023· Tagged: , , , , ,

The Mystery of Writing Crime Novels (Ubud Writers and Readers Festival event)

Tracey Lien is the author of the debut novel All That’s Left Unsaid, which investigates the Vietnamese Australian enclave of Cabramatta in the 1990s and explores the emotional complexity of Vietnamese refugee and Asian Australian experiences. I Have Some Questions for You is a literary murder mystery by Rebecca Makkai, set in an élite boarding school, which deconstructs the tropes of the genre. Megan Nolan’s new novel, Ordinary Human Failings, is a heart-breaking, unflinching, compulsive tale that blends an unsolved murder with family history, police procedure, and romantic frustration. Jill Dawson writes crime novels and skillfully exposes class and misogyny and the part they play in determining women’s lives—and often preventable deaths. These authors will speak about the process of creating a rich storyline and how they weave social commentary into their narratives.

Tracey Lien, penulis dengan novel perdananya All That’s Left Unsaid, menyelami kantong komunitas Vietnam-Australia di Cabramatta pada tahun 1990an, menjelajahi kerumitan suasana batin para pengungsi Vietnam, dan pengalaman hidup orang Asia-Australia. I Have Some Questions for You oleh Rebecca Makkai adalah kisah misteri pembunuhan berlatar sebuah sekolah asrama elit, membongkar batasan dan rumusan terkait genre. Novel terbaru Megan Nolan, Ordinary Human Failings, adalah sebuah kisah mengharukan, tanpa basa-basi dan menggugah yang menggabungkan misteri pembunuhan dengan sejarah keluarga, cara polisi bekerja, dan tekanan romantik. Para penulis ini akan membahas proses meramu alur cerita yang kaya sembari merajut kritik sosial ke dalam penuturan kisah mereka tentang bagaimana tiap pribadi manusia membentuk identitas dan sejarah pribadi mereka. Jill Dawson menulis novel-novel kriminal dan dengan terampil mengekspos bias kelas dan misogini, juga peranan mereka dalam menentukan nasib perempuan – juga, seringkali, kematian yang seharusnya dapat terhindarkan. Penulis-penulis ini akan bercerita tentang proses menciptakan alur cerita yang kaya dan bagaimana mereka menyelipkan komentar sosial ke dalam penuturan mereka.

Valley Stage @Taman Baca. Jl Raya Sanggingan Ubud

on October 2 2023· Tagged: , , , , , , , , ,

Crafting Captivating Landscapes (Ubud Writers and Readers Festival event)

Immerse yourself in the beauty of the world around you through the art of landscape writing. From lush forests to picturesque beaches, these authors will talk about their experience in capturing the essence of each magnificent scene with captivating words, as well as their influences and why they write about nature. Else Fitzgerald and Rebecca Makkai will take us through techniques and imagery that bring landscapes to life on the page that will awaken your senses.


on October 2 2023· Tagged: , , , , , , , , ,

Our Stories Are Our Power (Ubud Writers and Readers Festival event)

Join us at the renowned Alila Ubud for an evening of remarkable voices featuring Anita Heiss, Grace Tame, and Tanaïs, hosted by Rebecca Makkai. Through their personal journeys, they’ve harnessed the power of storytelling to ignite a broader conversation on empowerment. Grace, a fearless activist, and Tanaïs, an acclaimed novelist now exploring themes of belonging in her memoir, along with Anita Heiss, an advocate for Indigenous rights, will share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs in the realm of memoir writing and life. Relax in Alila’s gracious, open-air dining room with an uninterrupted view of the Ayung valley and savor what could be your most memorable dining experience.

Alila Ubud. Desa, Melinggih Kelod, Payangan (Google Maps)

on October 2 2023· Tagged: , , , , , , , , , ,

Charleston Literary Festival

In conversation with Charleston Literary Festival Board member Anne Blessing, Rebecca discusses the moral complications in her new novel.

Many Festival events are filmed and recorded for archival and research purposes, and occasionally for further distribution, such as promotional opportunities, on our website, and for network television. The films might sometimes include recognizable shots of members of the audience and/or interviews with patrons before or after the live events. Purchase of this ticket implies your permission to be filmed.

on September 11 2023· Tagged: , , , , , , ,

Ubud Writers and Readers Festival

Rebecca Makkai shares her literary insights and passions with Veronica Sullivan at the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival in Bali, Indonesia

Dalam bukunya yang dinanti-nantikan, I Have Some Questions for You, penulis ternama Rebecca Makkai memukau kita semua dengan kisah yang gelap berlapis-lapis, mengangkat pembunuhan, rasisme, pelecehan seksual, kedukaan, hakikat dari ingatan kolektif, dan privilege. Rebecca Makkai membagaikan wawasan sastrawi dan kecintaannya dengan Veronica Sullivan.

on September 11 2023· Tagged: , , , , , , ,

Library Of Congress National Book Festival

2023 National Book Festival

Join us in the nation’s capital at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on Saturday, August 12, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (doors open at 8:30 a.m.). If you can’t join us in Washington, D.C. for a day of free talks and activities, several programs will be livestreamed, and video of all talks can be viewed online after the Festival concludes.

Festival Information

The 23rd annual Library of Congress National Book Festival will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, August 12, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (doors open at 8:30 a.m.). The event is free and open to the public. A selection of programs will be livestreamed online and videos of all programs will be available shortly after the Festival. Attendees may expect enhanced safety and security measures when entering the Convention Center.

on June 29 2023· Tagged: , , , , , , , ,

Martha’s Vineyard Book Festival

Martha’s Vineyard Book Festival is delighted to return to Chilmark this summer
on August 4-6, 2023
Join us on the grounds of the Chilmark Community Center
with a
line up of some of the country’s leading authors.
Free and fantastic!

on June 29 2023· Tagged: , , , , ,

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