Spanish edition and book trailer
The Borrower is now available in Spanish from Ediciones Maeva, as El Devorador de Libros (The Devourer of Books). And even if you don’t speak Spanish, you can enjoy the fabulous trailer they made.
The Borrower is now available in Spanish from Ediciones Maeva, as El Devorador de Libros (The Devourer of Books). And even if you don’t speak Spanish, you can enjoy the fabulous trailer they made.
I’ll be reading on Thursday, October 25th in Chattanooga, as part of the Meacham Writers’ Workshop series. The joint reading, with Tom Balazs and Earl Braggs, is at 7 pm in the Chattanooga State Health Science Center. Open to the public. More information is here.
My latest short story, “Cross,” is out in Michigan Quarterly Review, both in print and online. Read it here… and please read the rest of this fabulous journal too!
I’ll be reading from The Borrower at the Cook Memorial Library in Libertyville, IL on Tuesday, September 4th at 7:00 pm. Event details and free registration are here, and library details and location are here. Books will be available from Lake Forest Book Store.
The UK (and world English language) paperback version of The Borrower is now available, and has been chosen for Waterstones Summer Book Club (not posted here yet, but coming soon). Many thanks to Windmill Books at Random House UK for all their lovely work and a gorgeous cover!
I have four New England readings coming up in July for the paperback of The Borrower. Please join us if you can!
Tuesday, July 24th, 7:00 — Gibson’s Bookstore, Concord, NH, along with Tim Horvath, NH-based author of the amazing collection Understories.
Wednesday, July 25th, 5:00 — Maine Coast Book Shop, Damariscotta, ME
Thursday, July 26th, 7:00 — Longfellow Books, Portland, ME
Tuesday, July 31st, 7:00 — discussion hosted by Vermont Book Shop at 51 Main, Middlebury, VT
I will be leading the brand new Novel In a Year workshop for StoryStudio Chicago, starting in late August of this year. Monthly workshop meetings, individual consultations, a class blog, and occasional food! Details and application information here.
Want to watch me get waaaaaay too political for daytime TV in Dayton, Ohio? You are SO in luck.
I’ll be promoting the paperback of The Borrower this summer (2012) with readings and signings. I’m also available to visit and Skype with book clubs! Public readings are as follows:
Tuesday, May 29th, 7:00 — The Book Stall, Winnetka, IL (Paperback Launch!)
Wednesday, May 30th, 7:00 — Books & Company, Oconomowoc, WI
Friday, June 8th, 7:00 — Frugal Muse Bookstore, Darien, IL (part of Girls’ Night Out for the Darien Mall, though I don’t think men would be shunned)
Tuesday, June 12th, 6:30 — Carnegie Public Library, Angola, IN
Wednesday, June 13th — Books & Co., Dayton, OH (details to come)
Thursday, June 14th, 7:00 — Hudson, OH Public Library, book sales by The Learned Owl
Saturday, June 16h — Bank Square Books, Mystic, CT (with Leslie Daniels; also with wine and food!)
Tuesday, July 24th, 7:00 — Gibson’s Bookstore, Concord, NH
Wednesday, July 25th, 6:00 — Maine Coast Bookshop, Daramascotta, ME
Thursday, July 26th, 7:00 — Longfellow Books, Portland, ME
Tuesday, Septemeber 4th, 7:00 — Cook Memorial Library, Libertyville, IL (6:30 Book Club, 7:00 Reading)
Date TBA, fall 2012 — Highland Park Public Library, Highland Park, IL
Flavorwire named The Borrower one of the top ten debuts of 2011, saying it is “filled with lovely but unsentimental writing — something of a feat considering the material.” Read the full writeup here!